Saturday, 7 January 2017


Where to begin with?

Where to begin with? How to begin? The very words that keep us company every second whenever we decide to start
something new in life. It can be a new activity, new project,
new business or anything that we have not been involved in before.
When the intensity of yay or nay elevates in our head, we start to question ourselves, reason out with ourselves in an attempt to reach a conclusion. 

The very same thing happened with me when I decided to start a blog. I agreed with myself to do it one day and disagreed the next. I spent numerous days and nights reading about blogging and various bloggers, asking myself what has not been done before, what has not been written before.

Staring at my writing pieces that I have been writing and collecting since a few years pushed my pendulum towards, 'let's do this!'. I would pick up a pen and a diary to get on with it when my pendulum would be pushed in the opposite direction by thoughts like,
'Will I be able to do justice to blogging?''
'Will I be able to be regular?'
'What if no one reads what I write?' (I always wanted to highlight the positive out of reality and that felt like quite a task, in my head)
And there I would be, dropping the whole idea altogether ..

After filing my nails a hundred times, maybe fifty, oiling my hair and washing them and eating 13071508 fries (juz kidding, who counts fries while eating :D) I told myself, 'what the heck? Why not? What is there to lose?

Even though the thought of having no guidance and tons of 'what ifs' kept me worried, the 'it's new year, let's give it a try' streak won over. So here I am starting off with this blog today. I will not call it starting today as  something has started the very moment the idea of it takes birth in our head but yes the physical form of it is starting to take place today. 

Keeping it as close to reality as possible ..

FloralRime: A blog that I wish to feel like a cat to pet for all of us when we do not have one ;)



  1. Thanks for the input, superstar!

  2. Aww. You're a cute cat I'm sure! Perfect topic to talk about for your first blog piece. Loving it! I like your writing style. It has coherence, keeps you engaged and love the comic bits you add on as a commentary/remarks, they're really cute.
    Tuned for more!

    1. Thanks a bunch for such a warm input and calling me a cat 'meow', says I. :D
      Keep reading! <3
